
Matthew Hill


This tutorial will teach you how to update listings with variations on Ebay, using Ebay File Exchange. This task will be completed with one simple upload to Ebay File Exchange. If you have been re stocking your item quantity or revising prices manually, this is guaranteed to save you a lot of time. If you have found this tutorial and are new to Ebay File Exchange have a look at my previous tutorial which covers What is Ebay File Exchange Creating a template for Ebay File Exchange uploads Revising the price and quantity of multiple single item listings Uploading to Ebay File Exchange Read: How To Update Product Quantities and Prices Using Ebay File Exchange How to update listings with variations using Ebay File Exchange Presuming you have followed my previous tutorial linked to above it is actually quite easy to advance your Ebay spreadsheet to update the quantity and prices of listing which have variations, and even multiple variations. First i will show you how to update an item with a single variation, for example multiple colour choices, then after that i will show you how to update an item with multiple variations, for example colour and size variations. Updating…

The Problem with adverts on Google search results I’m someone who uses Google Adsense on a website I own, the adverts cover the server and software costs of running the website, leaving me a bit of extra cash for myself, which i usually spend on things to create more content / reviews for the website i have. With that in mind i generally don’t mind seeing the odd advert here and there, as long as the website is not covered with them. However on to what this blog post is about… What i do think is really concerning is that if you Google some free software, for example Adobe Reader, the advert above the first result always appears to be an advert for a malicious download of that application. When installed this malicious download will install loads of ad-ware, spyware  and other malicious software you really don’t want on your computer. Below is a screenshot of the search results on Google UK when “adobe reader” has been searched for. If you look at the URL for that advert below its clearly not an official link from Adobe. However companies appear to be using Google Adwords to trick people in to downloading their…

The TP-Link TG-3468 is a cheap PCI Express (1x) gigabit network card currently retailing for £5.98 on Amazon UK, the question i was wondering when purchasing the TP-Link TG-3468 was is this network card actually any good? The TP-Link TG-3468 appeared to get generally positive reviews on Amazon, however some of them did contradict each other. To cut a long story short it works fantastic on Windows 8.1 x64, however read on if your wanting to know a little more. Installing the TP-Link TG-3468 Network Adapter Really its quite hard to say anything here other than it just works, i placed the TP-Link TG-3468 in a spare PCI express slot, power on my PC and that was that. Windows 8.1 booted and i had a network connection as soon as Windows had booted to the desktop. I didn’t have to even download any drivers. Windows 8.1 recognised the TP-Link TG-3468 as a Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller and installed a driver from the 10/05/2013.   Drivers on a CD included with the TP-Link TG-3468 support Windows XP, Vista (32bit and 64bit editions), Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit editions), however any Windows OS after XP will simply have drivers or download them from Windows Update. So needless to…

Unlocking The Asus Transformer Prime TF201 on Jellybean 4.1.1 This tutorial will show you how to unlock the bootloader on the Asus Transformer Prime TF201 Tablet, running Android 4.1.1 jellybean, along with backing up your blobs and enabling nvflash. You can just unlock the bootloader and happily go about flashing roms, however if you brick your tablet you have no way to then recover. Now that the AndroidRoot team have given us the tools required to gain access to our blobs and nvflash we would be silly not to back them up at the same time. If the worst did happen and you brick your Transformer Prime TF201 at a later date, you can then recvover it and are not left with an expensive paper weight. The information in this tutorial is based on the excellent work by the AndroidRoot team over at:  I have simply covered the whole process from the initial unlocking, to backing up our blobs and finally gaining nvflash access. In this tutorial i use Windows 8, however you will be able to follow this perfectly on Windows 7, and earlier versions of Windows too. Unlocking the Transformer Prime TF201 on Jellybean 4.1.1 To get started we are…

Why create a ESXi Bootable Flash Drive on Windows? Lets be honest, I personally find burning a disc to install something a waste these days, chances are you might not even have an optical drive in your main computer any more if your anything like me. Creating a bootable usb flash drive to install VMware ESXi from on Windows is easy thanks to UNetbootin. UNetbootin allows you to create bootable usb drives for Linux distributions without burning a CD. I find this tool very handy now as more computers and servers are running without CD drives, plus its a lot quicker to transfer the contents of an ISO to a USB drive then it is to burn a disc! Creating a VMware ESXi Bootable Flash Drive on Windows: Firstly Download UNetBootin Connect the usb flash drive you wish to use as your VMware ESXi Bootable Flash to your computer, note this process will erase the contents of the flash drive. Load UNetBootin and select the diskimage radiobox, choose ISO, then select the ISO you want to use. Below select the type as a USB Drive, then finally choose the drive letter of your USB Memory stick, for myself this was F:\ Click Go  The…