


For Christmas I purchased my Dad a NowTV HD box, this is essentially a Roku 2 media player which Sky have re branded to run their NowTV app. Now before I continue I will say I think NowTV is actually really good, with the NowTV HD box came a 6 month Sky Entertainment pass, which gets you access to 13 TV channels you can stream on up to 2x devices at the same time, and access to a huge Netflix style back catalog of content. My dad has really enjoyed watching many series on this, along with some of his favorite programs on Discovery and Sky Atlantic. Anyway getting to the point of this blog, my Dad had told my mum their was a documentary about a band she likes on the NowTV box and wanted to know if she could get NowTV on the main TV in the living room. As this TV has a Chromecast connected to it I said if she installed the NowTV app on her Nexus 9 tablet she could simply Chromecast it to the TV like she can with the BBC iPlayer and other simlar apps. After installing the NowTV app, signing in and trying…

I recently found my MSI Wind U100 Netbook out and thought as Windows 10 is currently a free upgrade for Windows 7 and Windows 8 user i’d give it a try and see how well it runs on the MSI Wind, a 7 year old netbook. MSI Wind U100 Background: The MSI Wind U100 is a netbook (small laptop) that I purchased in 2008 which got me though my second and third years of University. Back then thin / small laptops such as the Macbook Air didn’t exist. However in mid 2008 “Netbooks” became the next big thing in the computing world. These were essentially small / light laptops with a 9 or 10″ screen powered by an Intel Atom Processor. The Intel Atom was really power efficient at the time, which allowed netbooks such as the MSI Wind U100 to have a 6 hour battery life. Back then i remember thinking this was amazing, previous to that your average laptop was 15″, big, bulky and you would be lucky if you got more than three hours of battery life out of it. I remember taking my 15″ Acer Ferrari 4000 laptop to University a couple of times in my first year. I quickly concluded it…

The company where I work sells repair parts / home security upgrade related products online. Currently we have three main outlets. The E-Commerce Website Ebay Amazon Over the last couple of years i’ve noticed the mindset of people shopping at each different on-line outlet is very different. The E-Commerce Website – Generally I would class customers on the e-commerce website to be your average on-line shopper, they know how to use a search engine and have usually purchased on-line before. These customers are happy to upgrade from the standard free 2nd class delivery to first class delivery to get the repair part quicker. The Ebay Customer – Ebay customers expect to be treated like royalty and pay as little as possible for the privilege. For the Ebay customer it’s all about price, if another seller is selling the same product as you and is a little as 1p cheaper, you will loose the sale. Reputation, Feedback or even if the customer has purchased from you before will not come in to it. The pure motivation is price. Not only is eBay all about price you are expected to go above and beyond the call of duty and be available 24/7 365. I can sort…

Since our Suberhub was unfortunate enough to receive the new BUS_V2.37.13 firmware around the 21/10/14 our whole experience with Virgin Media Business Broadband has been terrible, totally a joke would sum it up quite well. Now in all fairness to NTL / Virgin Media Business, the company I work for has been with them since around 2003 / 2004 for business broadband, i’m told the company has never had any major problems in the past. I’ve worked here for over 3 years and the only issue with the internet until recently 30mins of downtime one morning. However earlier this year we upgraded from the legacy 10mbit package to fastest package available to Virgin Media Business Broadband connection available at the time, 50mbit. Part of this upgrade included our old modem been swapped for a Superhub, which is essentially a modem / router combo. In our setup the Superhub is essentially used as a modem, we have five static IP addresses which are assigned to our own router. The only thing the Superhub is doing is providing the internet connection. Wireless and any additional functionality is disabled on the Superhub. The Superhub in this configuration has worked great in our office from…

Here is how you can get Black Ops 2 and Halo 4 for £28.92 each when pre-ordering from Tesco Direct. First add the two games to your basket: Halo 4 and Blackops 2 Next enter the following codes in this order at the checkout: TD-MXTN Gives £10 off TD-KMPW Gives £5 off TD-PXTM Gives £5 off The above should give you £20 off a £75 spend allowing both games to be purchased for £57.84, or £28.92 each. Remember to select separate delivery at checkout so you will get both games on there respective release dates. The codes can also be used with other bundles too. Of course you don’t have to purchase Halo 4 and Blackops 2, this should work on any game, DVD / Blu-ray or CD.