It’s pretty obvious I have never been a massive blogger, using my amazing maths skills… (also known as the calculator on Windows 7 that calculates differences between dates) I have worked out its been 1 year, 7 months, 1 week and 3 days since I last posted anything on this blog.
589 days is a pretty long time, I have never really been big on blogging or even status updates on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. I do however find it intresting looking back over stuff i have wrote, and done many years ago which is why i keep telling myself I should blog more… which never usually happens.
A lot has changed since i last posted in 2010, I have graduated from University which is the achievement i’m most proud of so far in life. I remember back to when i started in September 2007, the first few weeks were a massive shock to me… everything i was taught on the first day just went streight over my head and i remember thinking i had made the biggest mistake of my life going to Uni. At the time i was 21 and had not been in education since i finished college when i was 18, so i dont think that really helped as i was not used to been back in a class room.
However i really wanted to succeed and started doing a lot of reading up on stuff related to the modules i was taking. I have never been that great with maths, one module “Introduction to computer systems and networks” had a lot of maths related material in it. Looking back it appears quite easy now, however at the time i found it hard to get it in my head how to convert decimal to binary, binary to hex and so on. I was pretty proud when i ended up getting an “B” in that module.
In the end i graduated University with a 2:1 which i’m very pleased with, for anyone who doesn’t know you can get a First, 2:1, 2:2, Third or Unclassified. A 2:1 would be the equivalent to a B+.
I now works as an ICT / Network / Website and Office Admin for a company based in my home town, as you can probably guess my job involves doing a bit of everything, which is nice as it keeps things intresting as i never quite know what I will be doing from day to day.
I have recently been tasked with re designing the companies website, which sort of leads in to why i’m making this blog post.
I decided to use wordpress as the CMS for the website, as its very easy to customise, SEO and update. 3 things which were very important. The site has to look to to generate enquries from customers, we need too SEO as the company works in a very competitive market, and finally WordPress is very easy for a non technical user to log in and post a new blog post or news article.
Working with wordpress over the last few weeks reminded me i needed to fix this blog, its been offline since last October as we moved Digiex (a website i co-own) to a new server. After this i never re imported the database for my blog so i guess if anyone has actually visited it in the last 3 months will have just got a nice database error.
However now its back online, has a new layout, is updated to wordpress 2.3 now looks very sleek thanks to a little re design.
I actually do have a fair few posts on here, i did actually used to blog quite a bit from 2004 – 2006 on my MSN Space, mainly just random stuff really. Anyway last year i got an email to say MSN spaces was closing down, and that i had the option to download my blog or export it in to WordPress. I wanted to keep my old posts so i exported it, then imported it to this blog and set all the posts to private. Only people on my MSN Messenger contact list could see my blog, so i really need to go through the old posts and make public the ones i dont mind anyone seeing.
I have also imported the blog posts i had on and my blog on here. This will now be my sole blog so i can keep everything in one location.
I could go on about a lot more stuff in this blog post however i think ill leave it here for now, i just wanted to post something so i felt it was worth while restoring the database, updating wordpress and playing about with the layout.
I might do another blog post before the year is over… you never know! however as its 2:12am now i think its time to get some sleep.
Looking at the word counter at the bottom here ive wrote about 850 words in the last 15 mins, if only i could have done 2000+ word essays at uni this fast, i would have been done in 30mins!
Anyway im rambling on again now, bye for now 🙂