
Matthew Hill


Years ago when looking at choosing a domain for my personal email and blog, I looked at various different domain options. In the end I settled on as it was available. Another perceived benefit was .eu was shorter to type than .com or (not that my name was available for either TDL’s).

I had little desire to purchase a vanity domain such as .blog for example, many of these are controlled by companies, which might not exist in the future, or significantly increase their prices at a later date. As you might have noticed many of these vanity domains get very expensive after the first year.

Microsoft have released the ADMX templates for the Windows 10 1703 Creators Update. Updating your ADMX templates will allow you to configure GPO objects specific to the Windows 10 1703 Creators Update. In addition if you are using Server 2012 for example and have never installed any previous ADMX Templates For Windows 10, installing this ADMX Template update will give you the ability to configure Windows 10 Group Policy settings.

The Windows 10 Anniversary Update (1607) introduced a new annoyance for me, moving the Action Center / Notification to the right of the clock in the system tray. Maybe I’ve just used Windows for too long and am so used to the clock been in the same place, however this minor change really started to annoy me after a couple of days, especially as i’ve never had any use for the action center anyway.


Thankfully Windows 10 has some options hidden away that allow users to turn system icons on and off.

It’s easy to customise Windows explorer to your linking on a single PC, however if you want to make these changes for multiple users using multiple computers on a domain you really need to be making the change though group policy. Windows 10 gives you the option to open new explorer windows to “This PC” instead of the quick access layout and also gives you the option to disable showing recently used files in Quick access and showing frequently used folders in Quick access, however their is no GPO to easily configure any of these settings. However you toggle these settings with a registry entry, meaning you can still easily make changes to these settings for the users on your domain with ease, which i’m going to show you how to do: How to open file explorer to this PC and hide recently used files / folders on Windows 10 using group policy: You are going to want to open up Group Policy Management (gpedit.msc) for your domain and either create a new Group Policy Object (GPO) or edit an existing one. I’m going to edit the “Desktop” GPO i’ve already created, this GPO contains all my settings related to the users desktop experience:…